6 Things I Want To Help My Audience With

My audience is specifically moms who desire to better themselves. My hope is that I can help them to be happy, healthy, active, plan, be present, and to love themselves in the process!

The goal of Hello Happy Mama is just what it seems. Welcoming every chance we have to be happy in motherhood, while taking necessary steps to find inner peace and joy. That is why I have broken down the word “happy” as an acronym to include the phrases:

Hello Healthy Mama

Hello Active Mama

Hello Planning Mama

Hello Practical Mama

Hello You Mama

1. Hello Happy Mama- To encourage moms in all seasons and walks of life to find joy amidst the chaos.

The journey of motherhood can be an incredibly wild ride, while at the same time, beautiful. Not every moment will be filled with happiness, and that's ok. My goal is to help moms judge themselves less and look for joy in the simple moments. Finding our happy place in motherhood isn't always easy. Some days are harder than others. 

2. Hello Healthy Mama- To encourage moms to live a healthy lifestyle.

Being healthy as a mom is extremely important! How can a mother care for those she loves the most when she is unwell or doesn’t have the energy she needs? Being a healthy human, let alone mom, requires effort in this modern age. My goal is to bring awareness and inspire moms to be healthy, as this is the first step in being happier as a mom. Recipes, meal ideas for her family, and printables to help her along the way, hopefully these will help! Also, possibly a section on low-carb eating, with recipes and printables for weightloss. This will all go along with #2, being active.

3. Hello Active Mama- To encourage moms to be more active

Being active as a mom seems pretty simple, as her life is filled with being busy, running around constantly, etc. But what about those of us that just can’t seem to lose the extra weight? This one I want to devote to being active and fit, as this is an area I have struggled with for my entire life! Yes, it runs hand in hand with the last one, being healthy, but I specifically want to inspire moms to push themselves, to show up for themselvs in becoming a better version of themselves actively. I will include workout ideas, printables to keep us on track, and most importantly, encouragement.

4. Hello Planning Mama- To encourage moms to plan and be organized daily

My goal here is to provide many options and tools specific to living an organized, planned life as much as possible. We all know that so many unplanned things can come up, and always will in motherhood. And that’s ok. I want to focus on encouraging moms to make a blueprint of their day/week/month/year, and stick with it as best they can. This is where many of my printables will be, as they will be specific to planning.

5. Hello Practical Mama- To encourage moms with practical advice and tips concerning all-things motherhood

This one is huge… and in a good way. Need help with potty training? Or getting your child to sleep? How about spending better time with your kids? Here is where I plan to put alot of my experience with many topics concerning motherhood. Activities to do along with your kids will be in this category also!

6. Hello You Mama- To encourage moms to take care of themselves by filling their cup

Their cup of what? Coffee? Wine? The answer is yes! To both, and so much more! Having a full cup is super important when it comes to being a mom. Ideas on ways we can fill our cup (aka, self care) is what you will find here.

Hopefully you can see that my entire goal is to uplift and better the lives of my fellow mamas, in so many ways.

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